An update on Gen IV nuclear reactors

Speaker: Prof Lyndon Edwards.
National Director, Australian Generation IV International Forum Research.

Hosted by the Nuclear Engineering Panel of Engineer Australia Sydney Branch.

6 pm to 7:30 pm AEDT Wednesday 16 November 2022  –  now only Webinar. 

Click here to see Lyndon Edwards’ slides

This talk will describe today’s leading Gen IV SMR technologies, define the changes required in the nuclear supply chain necessary if these advanced reactor technologies are to be delivered on-time and on-budget and present progress in delivering and deploying Gen IV SMRs to the world. Distinguishable from past nuclear renaissances present industry-funded interest in nuclear power is based on the development of novel future technology rather than the refinement of past technology. Although some SMR’s under development are based on simplified Light Water Reactor technology, many are based on Gen IV technology and utilise the inherent safety capability that can arise in non-water-cooled reactors.

The presentation will describe how Gen IV SMR’s are different, the steps being undertaken for their successful mass deployment and when they are likely to be available.

About Prof Lyndon Edwards

Lyndon Edwards
Prof Lyndon Edwards

Lyndon Edwards has been an Australian leader in nuclear technologies since arriving at ANSTO in 2007. Previously a UK academic, he was Professor of Structural Integrity at the Open University and is a Visiting Professor in Nuclear Futures at the University of Bangor. He chairs the GIF Advanced Manufacturing Task Force leading activities to reduce the time to deployment of advanced reactors. With over 300 publications he has a long-standing international reputation in structural integrity particularly of nuclear, aerospace and defence related materials, structures and components. Prof Edwards studied for both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Oxford University.